Sunday, March 15, 2009

Making your cake, then getting to relax and eat it too

I’m watching the “60 Minutes” episode on Alice Waters and the SlowFood movement, taking a load off after hosting a birthday party at home for 15 little munchkins. Like Alice, I love to feed people and see their joy. Her “Edible Schoolyard” is phenomenal. And there’s no doubt that the eggs she cooked in olive oil on a spoon in an open fire were probably amazing but…are any of us really cooking over an open fire? If you are, fine, please keep it to your (probably smug) self. I give myself a pat on the back when I prepare a frittata and “protein pancakes” on Sunday so I can re-heat them (yes, in my microwave) for the kids throughout the week. For me, preparing something special ahead of time, and then enjoying the time I have with my family (or our young party guests) is the key to feeling good about the healthy things I'm doing. It’s important that after your hard work you also get to enjoy the party, or that time on a week day morning before you kiss your little ones and send them off to school.


  1. Wow, Eila, this looks like a great blog, good from you!!! Are you talking about the protein pancakes from the Canyon Cookbook? Too funny, we all still eat those too! I can't wait to check out some of your recipes (you have recipes, right?)
    -Loren Kaplan

  2. oh my goodness, the cake!!!! that is business idea #2 my friend. Want to decorate a little Thomas something for Tedddy's bday? Love your postings, so informative and entertaining. Love that I hear your voice as I'm reading them.

  3. What a cake - or piece of art, shall I say!?!
